Joining a Toastmasters Club...

"How joining a Toastmasters Club has made a significant Difference in my life"

By Sam Choo

If I have not join a toastmasters club, I would still be sitting inconspicuously in the class,

never raising my hand and never asking a question, and remain a fool forever. Today, I am no longer a fool. Naturally they look up to me as their spokesman.

If I had not join the toastmasters club, I would have remained a shy recluse. But the club has open up my social life so that I can see issues from many perspectives and respect differences.

If I have not join a toastmaster club, I would have remained jobless. The interviewer was like another table topics session. I was able to speak off the cuff with confidence. In the club I would have gotten a prize. But in that interview, I got the biggest prize of all - the job.

If I had not join the toastmasters club, I would have remained a simple worker who only

knows how to take order instead of making decision. As a club leader, I have discovered the power to impact the quality of people' lives through mentoring and organising workshops. Using the hamburger approach in evaluation, I have become a better listener.

If I had not join the toastmasters club, I would still be imprisoned within my prison walls of fear of public speaking. Now it has open the door to a whole new world of freedom and happiness. Now I enjoy public speaking. I have found my voice..and a new lease of life.

Published on April 2004. This essay won him 5th place in the Singapore Toastmasters Awareness Month Essay Contest

Source: Internet...

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